Thursday 14 August 2008

Ticking over

The lack of actual weight loss continues....

But the 'credit crunch' is producing some interesting articles in magazines and the press. 'Beat the credit crunch and lose weight' is the lead article in one magazine this month. It seems, in the main, to consist of suggesting that you swap museli for 'cheap' porridge, that you eat mackeral rather than any other protein source, and that you don't need 'expensive' cheese or tinned anything (and then goes on to suggesting that a medium sized potato with baked beans is both a cheap and nutritious evening meal, with a calorie count of about 300.) It fails to suggest that vegetables could be a part of this....

Hmm - well eating less will cost you less money... but you need to both eat less, and eat properly, to successfully lose weight.

Obviously I don't manage either.

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