Saturday 26 July 2008

99 little things - that can make a big difference

Purloined from a card in an old copy of Body and Soul... but I've adapted it a bit (mainly the notations, lol). Some of this had led to a single point suggesting more than one thing to do (oops)

Have a look through - and do those things you can. I'll come back to this from time to time when I find links etc. that are useful to go along with each one!

1. Get an energy audit
2. Donate used computers
3. Use cloth napkins
4. Switch to energy saving bulbs
5. Hang dry your clothes - inside or out
6. Make your next outfit 'vintage' (or indeed second hand)
7. Use the bus
8. Pay your bills online
9. Say no to plastic bags
10. Plant some bamboo (or a tree, or salad :-) )
11. Unplug appliances when off, or not in use
12. Taste test a local wine, beer or other drink
13. Say bye to your leaf blower and use a rake
14. Rediscover your library
15. Switch off your computer, and switch to a low power one when you

next upgrade
16. Plant a garden
17. Buy and use rechargeable batteries
18. Start a compost heap
19. Put back unused napkins (or just don't take any in the first place)
20. Bring your own coffee cup
21. Learn to love weeds (don't use weedkiller! get a hoe!)
22. Read about green weddings
23. Carshare
24. Keep car tires inflated
25. Support local farmers and growers, buy organic where you can, buy

26. Turn heating down a Degree Celcius (or more if you currently over

heat or cool)
27. Drive smart - plan your trip
28. Insultate your hot water tank - and the rest of your house.
29. Install low-flow showerhead
30. Wash clothes at 30 degrees C. or cold
31. Lights off when you leave a room
32. Use a lunch box, avoid single use bags
33. Get and use Cloth nappies, cloth sanpro, or a menstrual cup
34. Pick up litter and recycle it
35. Take shorter showers
36. Choose 'green' products - but beware of greenwash! - and buy those

made as close to home as you can.
37. Buy the largest size practical
38. Keep your car serviced
39. Donate used books - and check out freecycle and book crossing
40. Seal drafts around windows and doors
41. Leave your car at home for a day (a week? a month? a year?!)
42. Don't idle the car for more than 10 seconds
43. Think before you print
44. Look for Energy efficient appliances - A or AA preferably
45. Unload your car of excess weight
45. Don't buy vegetables in trays - and take your own reusuable bags
46. Choose an energy-efficient vehicle
47. Fix dripping taps and small leaks
48. Wipe spills with cloths not kitchen 'paper'
49. Install a low-flow toilet, or use a brick or hippo if you have a

oversized flush
50. Make your own cleaning solutions
51. Hold your own 'buy nothing' day
52. Reuse jars and containers
53. Clean windows with old newspapers - and then recycle or compost

54. Build with salvaged wood
55. Share magazines
56. Wrap presents in repurposed paper (calender pages, newspaper, saved

paper from previous presents), keep gift bags to reuse, or make your

own from repurposed paper or cloth
57. Make rags from old t-shirts (cleaning, rag rugs, bum wipes)
58. Send birthday, aniversary etc. e-cards
59. Buy spices whole in bulk (and grind as you need them, or its a

false economy)
60. Get a rain water butt for the garden/allotment
61. Return unused sugar packets (or drink your tea/coffee without sugar

at all)
62. Keep within the speed limits
63. Make note pads from used paper (envelope backs and the back of

single sided leaflets/junk mail are great for this)
64. Don't accept plastic/single use utensils - pack your own?
65. Take a break from the TV
66. Give a donation instead of a present
67. Buy a bike - and USE IT
68. Buy organic cotton
69. When buying clothes (or other goods) say no thank you to the excess

packaging, take your own bags
70. Start a green team at work
71. Don't boil more water than you need (most kettles now will handle a

cup at a time)
72. Read about carbon credits (and learn about greenwash!)
73. Appoint an 'office lights' monitor
74. Use your legs, not the lift
75. Stop chasing 'the latest'
76. Invigorate your green passion, spend time with nature
77. Start a toy-swap/library with friends (and check out freecycle

78. Eat less/no meat - or take the plunge and go veg*n
79. Buy items for durability
80. Buy and eat in Season
81. Take buble wrap back to packaging stores
82. Upgrade your boiler when you need to replace it - and make sure

that it is properly matched to your property so that it works

83. Snip can packing rings
84. Use a no/low-phosphate detergent
85. Avoid chemical flea collars
86. Choose sustainable flooring
87. Offer art schools your 'rubbish' (trash sculture rules!)
88. Use a bucket not a hose
89. Learn how to mend your socks, and other clothes
90. Eliminate impulse buying
91. Return extra hangers, don't accept them at the checkout
92. Teach your children thriftiness
93. Don't sign up for mailing lists or catalogues
94. Slow down - consume less
95. Fertilise with grass clippings
96. Consider using a solar cooker
97. Eat simply, choose whole grains and foods
98. Recycle old mobiles, and other small electricals
99. Use both sides of paper

Anymore for anymore?


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