Tuesday 29 July 2008


Refusing to stand on the scales atm (too depressing!) but my 'favourite' style of jean was back in the shop yesterday. As I have worn all the other pairs to holes (and yes, I have a huge pile of the blessed things waiting to be patched/fixed/used for the patches for fixing, but time hasn't been on my side and the sewing machine is somewhere at the back of the garage... I have a very red face and lots of guilt about that! Although with the exception of 2 pairs they are all larger than I've been recently, see below) I gritted my teeth and picked up the slightly larger size... which then proceeded to hang off me.


So I picked up the size I've been wearing for the last 6 months before the weight reappeared... and they still fit nicely.

I don't get it. I'm obviously still 'smaller' than I was but I weigh back up where I was when I was wearing the larger size. So is the weight increase/lack of loss down to the bicycle? Or does this mean that its gone on somewhere different from whence it came? (actually that last thought is definately scarey, given all the stats about heart disease being more prevalent in those with tummy and internal fat, that those who are pear shaped. and I'm not anything like as pear shaped anymore)


Food wise, I've got myself back onto the greens etc the last few days. I feel lighter inside, even if the scales are refusing to recognise this.

And now I'm off to the bike shop (long long story... but please, if you take your bike in for a new tyre, don't be like me and assume that they have fitted the same sort it went in with on, back on it. I got home and found that I had a different valve type on to the original... and its for a valve type that I don't have a pump for, and runs at a different set of pressures to the 'old' tyre/inner tube )

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