Tuesday 2 September 2008

Water, water, water

Rather needed for health. But getting it when out and about can be, um, interesting when you don't want to add to landfill or recycling.

We carry a small Sigg bottle with us - leaves home filled, and gets topped up where we can (there are some shops who oblige, like the lovely Howies in Covent Garden, and many places still have drinking fountains and the like :0 ).

But Sigg are not the only fruit (oh, um, water bottle)... Poddling around the 'net (as you do) I found http://www.wewanttap.com/

Not only will they sell you a reusable water bottle. They also do 'kits' for you to relable bottles already in your posession. Yes its a retail thing. But they are also seeking to push Tap as a brand.

Which is both frugal, and pretty green, in my book anyway.

And if you're drinking water, you aren't getting calories (although there isn't any reason not to add a little something once in a while. Or to use your bottle to carry something else instead.).

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