Wednesday 5 January 2011

Finally did the weekly shop

And after discount brought it in at £20.50! Yay!

Shopping was (had planned to detail exact costs here but the receipt has gone walkabout between purchase and home... somewhere in the bottom of my bag, I suspect)

Bread - one white, one wholemeal
5 cans soup for DP to take for lunches (some of the bread will be needed for this also)
Vegetable bakes (sold as two packs for £3. four individual bakes altogether)
Strawberry Milkshake (this the 'treat' item for the children)
Mushrooms (250g)
Baked beans (one can)
Tortilla chips (one bag)
Stuffing mix (one box)
Apples (2 bags at 2 for £3)
Clemantines (2 bags at buy one get one free)
Frozen peas (being sold as a 3 for 2 offer - so have 3 bags, enough for at least a fortnight)

And that was it!

Meal this evening is Meatloaf (for DP/DD1) or Stuffing loaf (the rest of us) with parsnip mash and a.n.other veg. Probably peas. Cooking as I type, although DS1 is eyeing it all suspiciously and will probably end up with a houmous sandwich (rolls eyes).

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